

Benefits of Botox

Is Botox right for you? Whether it’s a big life milestone, an upcoming wedding, a chance to embark on a new adventure, or just because you want to do something for yourself a Botox treatment is the right decision for you.

Use Botox treatment to feel more confident in your professional and personal life.

Do you have crow’s feet, horizontal lines on your forehead, or vertical lines between your eyebrows? Botox delivers predictable, subtle results, so you look like you, only with less noticeable facial lines.

What Causes my Wrinkles

Repeated contraction of facial muscles causes the formation of wrinkles of the forehead and around the eyes. These wrinkles become permanent as our skin loses elasticity as we age.

Botox works to improve the appearance of facial wrinkles by temporarily relaxing the muscles causing the wrinkles.

How Does Botox Work

Botox is injected near the nerves of the muscles that cause the wrinkles, blocking the nerve impulses to the muscles. This in turns causes the muscle to relax and the wrinkles to smooth out.

What Areas Can Botox Treat

Botox is great for reducing the wrinkles on the forehead, crow’s feet around the eyes, frown lines between the eyes, known as glabellar lines.

What Can I Expect During the Treatment

Dr. Bartkova will sterilize the treatment area with an antiseptic. In the next step, the doctor will ask you to intentionally tighten the muscles causing the wrinkles you want to soften. This helps the doctor to identify where to use the injection. In the final step, small amounts of Botox are injected into the wrinkles. Botox treatment is a minimally invasive procedure with little or no recovery time. The treatment itself takes 15 to 30 minutes.

What Can I Expect After the Treatment

Treatment requires minimal downtime. You can return to your daily routine immediately after you leave Dr. Bartkova’s office.

Sometimes a client may have a small amount of redness at the injection sites. This can be covered with a small amount of makeup.

You may begin to notice results within a few days for moderate to severe frown lines. Full results within 10 days. The youthful appearance lasts for 3 to 4 months.

Botox reduces forming new wrinkles in the future with continued use.

Trust an Experienced Professional

Dr. Bartkova has performed countless Botox treatments helping people achieve a naturally youthful appearance.

Botox treatment has helped many patients reach their aesthetic goals and find the exact appearance that suits their tastes.

Make Botox treatments a part of your beauty routine. Visit Dr. Bartkova every three to four months for Botox treatment.